CIO in public sector is responsible for planning, management, coordination, and monitoring the ICT program. The functions of CIO Office: prepare and supply facilities to upgrade the knowledge of CIO so that the development and use of ICT are more organized.
Target group
All CIOs are appointed based on a letter issued by Chief Secretary General, dated 22nd March 2000.
Available Services
* CIO Registration
* Government agency at federal level, and Local Authority (government agencies) may register and update respective CIO information at MAMPU's website. One stop centre CIO Competency profile and Competency upgrading
CIO may navigate the website listed below to acquire knowledge on recent technology, latest findings and studies, journal and documents related to respective profiles and competency upgrading.
ICT Information Resource
The following information is available at finger tips of CIO:
1. Circulars and Guidelines
* Acquisition
* Security
* Communication
* Applications
* Planning and operation
2. Manual
* Manual on Computerization
* The framework of Public Sector Strategic planning framework
3. Legislation
* Computer Crime Act 1997
* The Copyright Act 1997
* Digital Signature Act 1997
* Telemedicine Bill 1997
* Communications and Mutimedia Act 1998
* Electronic record management
* Electronic Records Resources List
Provides a directory of CIOs to ease communication among agency CIOs.
List of Public Sector's CIO
List of Public Sector's CIO
CIO handbook is provided for the reference of the public sector CIOs. It defines their roles and responsibilities, ICT governance, policies, information management and consultation related to the CIOs. This handbook also contains a self-assessment competency test for the CIOs to evaluate their skill in managing ICT programs and projects. Summary of CIO handbook
In conjunction with 1e-GOVERNMENT CONFERENCE 2009, a CIO montage has been display at the conference in order to show the new Public Sector's CIO governance structure.